In these times, the need to ensure thoroughgoing corporate governance, strict compliance, and respect for legal opinion is greater than ever, to maintain and increase the trust of the international community in the Japanese economy and its supporting industries.
Practices that until recently were tacitly condoned, such as under the table payments to avoid or smoothly resolve corporate issues, have become the subject of public indignation.
As a result, in Japanese society today it is vital that corporations and individuals follow the letter of the law. The practice of blindly following previously acceptable untoward business customs or acquiescing to requests or demands made by other persons, parties or organizations is no longer acceptable.
In Japan, since ancient times as evidenced in Japan’s very first constitution, “Harmony is to be valued, and the avoidance of wanton opposition to be honored.” This spirit of compromise centering on the ideal of “mutual respect to promote social harmony” is seen as a virtue. However within corporate Japan in recent times the original meaning of “harmony” as it is understood by Japanese has become somewhat distorted and has given rise to a number of either socially unacceptable or overtly corrupt business practices. Such practices include cartel agreements, bid rigging, unjustifiable divergence between publicly stated and in-house positions, and collusion between major conglomerates and government agency officials.
As a result, Japanese companies are now rapidly implementing policies that not only ensure legal compliance but also embrace the true meaning of “mutual respect to promote social harmony.” This has given rise to a particular demand for law firms able to provide high quality legal services based upon a sound personal relationship between attorney and client, whether corporate or private.
Shinozaki & Shinji Law Firm sets itself a social mission based on our core philosophy of “Protecting human rights and achieving social justice.” Our firm provides a comprehensive range of legal services tailored to any client, corporate or private, who is aiming to strengthen regulatory compliance and give due weight to legal opinion and corporate governance standards. These encompass everything from manual creation to resolution procedures that ensure a fair and just outcome. We tailor our services to specific customer needs, and provide follow up for full and ongoing solutions.
Shinozaki & Shinji Law Firm has a proven record of maximizing benefits for clients by vigorously pursuing all possible alternatives based on the facts presented to ensure the best possible outcome. At the same time, we maintain a commitment to our core philosophy of contributing to society as a whole through the efforts we make on behalf of our individual clients. |